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I'm excited to share something special 
and I'd love for you to join me!

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We'll meet again on Friday, November 18, from noon to 1 pm ET
and the topic will be: The Transformational Power of Compassion

Our session begins with time to chat, get acquainted & connect with each other. After this, we'll dive into the conversation for this week, share our thoughts on the topic and discuss the impact it has had in our lives.

To register for the WE Cafe on Friday, November 18, from noon to 1 pm ET, click registration link. Once you complete it, you'll be emailed a meeting link from Zoom for Friday's session.


The Women's Empowerment Café (or WE Café) is a warm, nurturing online gathering space for any woman looking for a comfortable place to visit, where you'll be welcomed and invited in, every time you show up!


My intention for starting the WE Cafe was to create a place where women can meet new friends, discuss interesting topics, share their own experience and learn from one another.

The WE Cafe will be held twice a month, with future dates to be announced.


All women are welcome regardless of where you come from, who you are, what you practice or who you love.

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1. Be respectful of others at all times.


2. Be willing to participate in our conversations.


3. Show up on time and stay for the full session.

Any questions? Feel free to contact me at info


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I hope you'll be able to join us for our next meeting and
look forward to seeing you soon.

Take care and have an amazing day!


Joan Stenzler
Communication Specialist
Women's Empowerment Coach

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