Your Amazing Journey!
A Holistic Learning Center
Joan Stenzler, LCSW, Dir
Communication & Empowerment Coach
Testimonials from my Clients

I will forever be grateful for you, Joan and the amazing women in The Courage to Speak Up empowerment group who helped me to see my worth, believe in my ability to say, “No more!” to a toxic work environment and “Yes” to me!
They have helping me to stand in my power to take a huge leap in my career. Two years ago I resigned from a program director position with a community college to pursue my true passion full-time as Sign Language Interpreter.
Now, even on the busiest and most stressful days in my new job I am still so much happier and healthier than I was in the previous one. The two years have been transformational for my mental health, energy, and self-awareness. I will always appreciate and be thankful for this community of women and the powerful effect it had and continues to have on me. Thank you so much Joan, for the incredible work you do and for creating the Women's Empowerment© courses!
Liz. Lauria (White Plains, NY)
American Sign Language Interpreter and Teacher

The Courage to Speak Up, offers a very warm, loving space where women feel safe to share, and learn to see themselves in a more positive light,
The feeling of trust that existed in the group alleviated the fear of sharing pretty personal stuff and feedback I received from the other women was invaluable and something I never experienced before in my life!
I just love these ladies and being part of of The Courage to Speak Up! This group has been life-changing for me. The honest, genuine support that I've gotten from our meetings has prompted me to take chances and make positive changes in my life. It has made a change in my life and a change in me! Thank you Joan!
Darlene Harden
Sweet Potato Designs
Owner, Graphic Design Firm

I was lucky enough to find Joan Stenzler at a time when I truly needed help and guidance.
Her holistic approach which incorporated mindfulness, yoga psychology and other effective holistic techniques, helped support me through some very stressful times in my life.
Working with her was a collaborative and transparent process that created a safe space in which to grow.
I highly recommend working with Joan if you are looking for coaching and insight from someone who feels like a friend with expertise in making positive changes.
Martha N (Queens, NY)
Public Elementary School Music Teacher

"One of the biggest lessons I learned working with Joan is to be more patient and compassionate with myself and to feel my own value."
It is not my nature to talk about myself or easily share my feelings, but with this amazing group of women, my words easily flowed. Each week, we were given questions to help us navigate our thoughts about that week’s topic which then guided our discussions.
Joan provided an atmosphere that felt intimate, safe and hugely supportive. We met in a group with Joan and then one on one and were encouraged to listen, take notes and engage.
It was truly remarkable how similar our stories were and how we were able to help one another. And Joan, as always, was able to corral our thoughts and comments into informative and meaningful soundbites of wisdom.
Through her guidance, I’ve learned not to feel guilty for taking time for myself. I’ve learned to be still and pay attention to my feelings, what they’re saying to me and respond in kind and supportive ways. Joan’s deep compassion for helping others has given me the inspiration to feel compassion for myself.
Joan gave each of us time to speak and it was enlightening to hear other’s voices and connect with their experiences which I was delighted to find were similar to my own. Joan summed up our conversations with great compassion and always offered insightful words of wisdom.
I was amazed at how quickly and fully I melded into the group, considering my shy nature. It was easy to communicate with these women and Joan provided a safe and compassionate atmosphere in which to share.
I looked forward to every week that we met, leaving each session with an inner calm and love.
I am excited to see what new possibilities will manifest when I am part of Joan's next Women's program in August, Embodying Resilience!
Kathy C.
Retired Fashion Editor