Your Amazing Journey!
A Holistic Learning Center
Joan Stenzler, LCSW, Dir
Communication & Empowerment Coach
You are invited to:
The Women's Empowerment Book Club!
Next meeting, Sun Mar 3, 10-11 am EST
We are currently reading:
Kitchen Table Wisdom by Rachel Naomi Remen
A wonderful book of uplifting and inspiring short stories!
Almost 3 years ago, while in my Women's Confidence Generator© program, Liz Lauria had a brainstorm and suggested that we develop a Book Club dedicated to empowering women through reading inspiring books together.
The rest is history! Twice a month on Sundays, 10-11 am ET, a dedicated group of us meet to discuss uplifting works from empowering women like Brene Brown, Luvvie Ajayi Jones and Elizabeth Gilbert.
We are a warm, friendly (and sometimes goofy) group of book nerds who love to share a good story and then talk about it together.
We're looking to expand our brilliant group and would love you to join us! We hope to meet you at the Book Club soon! Why not this Sunday?
The log in information is the same for every one of our meetings:
Zoom room opens at 9:50 am EDT
Meeting ID: 870 0273 1007
Passcode: 622081
1. Please join us on time as group resonance is created by everyone's presence. Please plan to stay for the entire group. Commitment to being present is important!
2. Remember to turn your video on, except for needed breaks. Seeing each other helps everyone be more engaged.
3. Be respectful of others' boundaries and the purpose for WE Café gatherings.(Promotion is not permitted)
4. Do not interrupt, correct or criticize others and DO ask if it's ok to give feedback. This is important so we can create and maintain a safe, respectful gathering.
5. When you attend the Café, you understand it's a gathering based on conversation and sharing. While you are welcome to participate when you are ready and at your own comfort level, you will be expected to be a participant at some point, once you feel ready.
I hope you'll be able to join us for the Book Club
and Women's Empowerment Cafe (on March 31)
this month and look forward to seeing you soon.
Take care and have an amazing day!
Joan Stenzler
Communication Specialist
Women's Empowerment Coach