Your Amazing Journey!
A Holistic Learning Center
Joan Stenzler, LCSW, Dir
Communication & Empowerment Coach
Welcome to Your Amazing Journey:
A Holistic Wellness Resource Center
I'm pleased that you've joined my online community and look forward to sharing insights with you on becoming more compassionate and alive. Together we will explore innovative ways to integrate mindfulness as both a practice and approach to manifest expanded well-being, wisdom and peace of mind.
I'll be sending you access to exclusive, FREE resources that are thought-provoking and designed to help you tap into your intuition, inspiration and creativity.
When I introduce new workshops or retreats, you'll be one of the first to hear about it and eligible for special subscriber rates.*
Here is your FREE copy of "THE COURAGE TO CHANGE," a unique assessment that measures your motivation and strengthens your emotional capacity so that meaningful and effective change becomes possible. To access, click on the link: www.youramazingjourney/change-assessment.
Print out the page, fill it in and follow the directions on the additional webpages which will help you to understand and interpret your own responses.
Feel free to browse through this site to learn more about my holistic practice, read interesting articles and listen to inspirational audio made with the holistically-oriented person in mind.
I welcome your comments, insights and ideas and can be reached by either calling 516-522-0573 or e-mailing
I will be glad to hear about what you discover in the process!
Thank you and have a truly amazing journey!
Joan Stenzler , LCSW, SEP

( *Discounts will vary based on program length and format and on an individual basis )