Your Amazing Journey!
A Holistic Learning Center
Joan Stenzler, LCSW, Dir
Communication & Empowerment Coach
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Joan Stenzler, LCSW
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Joan Stenzler
I teach smart, sensitive people how to connect with their intuition and allow its wisdom to shape their path and guide the way.
I specialize in helping my clients to cultivate an abundance mindset where worthiness is a given and the possibilities are endless!
Through this inner journey, we explore, discover and transform the beliefs that block you and the thoughts that stop you so you can think more confidently, speak more authentically and take bold inspired action to create an amazing and deeply satisfying life!

My Philosophy
about Healing:
"When we begin our healing journey with the belief that
we're already whole, the process becomes one of rediscovering what has always been there, connecting with it, then learning to how nurture ourselves into wholeness.
So instead of feeling something
is missing and setting out on a quest to find it, the seeker's task is to uncover what is concealed and build on the strength that already exists, to foster that wholeness."
Joan Stenzler, LCSW, SEP

Joan Stenzler, LCSW, SEP
Communication Specialist, Motivational Mentor and Women's Empowerment Coach
People blossom, flourish and transform when they are in nurturing environments with adequate emotional support.
Having others in your corner to listen and help, makes such a big difference, boosts your confidence and gives you the courage to keep going.
Yet many people struggle to overcome life’s obstacles that prevent them from having more satisfying relationships, inspiring work and an extraordinary life.
They know that something is wrong but don’t know how to figure out what it is or how to resolve it.
For those who find the guidance they need to really thrive, when things begin to shift, life becomes an exciting adventure and an amazing journey!
When you are in the right place and have found the support you need, your world transforms into a place of endless possibilities where there is nothing you can't handle and solutions to daunting problems are suddenly staring you in the face, just waiting for you to try them out.
There is nothing quite like the emotional freedom that comes when you know how to tap into your intuition and choose to live courageously, leaving worry, fear and uncertainty behind you, as you expand into the fully thriving human being you were meant to be.
What if you knew right now that there was a way for you to step out and embark on your own amazing journey and let your radiance shine? WELL THERE IS!
Let me help navigate your journey from unsure to unstoppable and from hesitation to celebration! So invest in yourself by partnering with someone who can teach you how to make this happen. And that someone would be me!
Let me help you discover ways to make your life more meaningful, satisfying & extraordinary.
I can be also reached at 516-522-0573.
Be well and best of luck on your amazing journey!
Joan Stenzler
"How would you feel if you could flip a magic switch and go from being unmotivated and uncertain to energized and inspired? Ready to take on the next big challenge?
Imagine yourself waking up each morning feeling confident, enthusiastic and ready to face the day!
It's not a dream ... it's the new you!
Life can be such an amazing adventure! What better way to live life to the fullest than having a loving partner to share precious moments?
When things go smoothly, you feel like you are on top of the world! So why allow those misunderstandings to rob you of the love you so richly deserve?
Discover what is getting in your way and
So many people go through life longing to feel seen, heard and appreciated.Can you relate?
But what happens when people you know just don’t get it? When they're unable to recognize why you are struggling or how to help?
There's a better way to get the support
you need, to create the life you yearn for!
Learn more about the power of groups...
Articles Previews from our Blog
A Holistic Model for Understanding
the Nature of Human Consciousness
By Joan Stenzler, LCSW, SEP
Yoga is the oldest form of holistic healing in existence. It offers amazing road maps that provide us with a sense of direction and clarity of purpose on the path to living a healthy and meaningful life.
Hatha yoga is just one part of this much larger life-enhancing system! Yoga contains a brilliant psychology for understanding our own personal experience and the nature of consciousness, known as the Five Koshas.
Based on the wisdom found in sacred Indian texts known as the Vedas, the Koshic model helps us to explore the depths of human potential.... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE...
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6 Simple Stress-Reduction
Strategies to Stay Relaxed!
By Joan Stenzler, LCSW, SEP
Life is full of daily challenges: rush hour traffic, pressure on the job, family conflict, to name a few. Some of the situations that happen in our lives are unavoidable and it is up to us to figure out how to handle them as well as we can.
When we are overwhelmed and overloaded with multiple challenges, it is harder for us to bring our best to solving these difficulties. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE...